Post Navigation

The Post Navigation widget is designed to improve the user experience by providing easy ways to navigate between adjacent posts. It typically appears at the end of a single post, allowing readers to move to the previous or next post without returning to the main blog page.

Content Tab


  • Navigation Type: Choose between 'Standard' and 'Image Box' for the style of the navigation.
  • Show Next Only: Toggle to display only the next post link.
  • Post Thumbnail: Toggle to display the post thumbnails.
  • Post Title: Toggle to display the post titles.
  • Label: Toggle to display the label for navigation.
  • Previous Label: Enter text for the 'Previous' post navigation label.
  • Next Label: Enter text for the 'Next' post navigation label.
  • Next / Previous Icon: Toggle to display the next and previous icons.
  • Previous Icon: Choose an icon for the 'Previous' navigation link.
  • Next Icon: Choose an icon for the 'Next' navigation link.
  • Link to All Posts: Select an option to include a link to all posts; can be 'None', 'Icon', or 'Text'.
  • Hover Animation: Choose an animation for hover effects; options may include 'None', 'Slide', etc.
  • In Same Term: Specify if navigation should be within the same taxonomy term.

Tip: Use the "In Same Term" setting to maintain a focused browsing experience for your audience by keeping your navigation within the same category or tag. For example, if a user is within a post in your fashion category, then the next and previous posts will only show the fashion category and not all of your posts.

Style Tab

Post Title

  • Typography: Customize the typography settings for the post titles, such as font, size, and weight.
  • Title Color: Choose a color for the post titles.
  • Margin: Adjust the margin around the post titles.


  • Typography: Configure the typography options for the navigation labels.

Next / Previous Icon

  • Color: Select a color for the navigation icons.
  • Size: Adjust the size of the navigation icons.
  • Margin: Set the margin around the navigation icons.


  • Size: Set the size for the post thumbnails.
  • Border Type: Choose the type of border for the thumbnails.
  • Border Radius: Adjust the border radius for the thumbnails, affecting corner roundness.
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