Login Form

The Login form (sign-in form) widget simplifies the process of creating a custom login page, replacing the default WordPress login page.

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Content Tab

Form Fields

  • Email or Username
    • Label: Enter the label for the email or username field, such as "Email or Username".
    • Placeholder: Input placeholder text that appears inside the email or username field before the user enters a value.
    • Required: Toggle 'Yes' if the field is mandatory for form submission.
    • Column Width: Set the width of the field column; usually set to 100% for full width.
  • Password
    • Similar options as the Email or Username field, adapted for the password input.
    • Enable: Toggle 'Yes' to activate reCAPTCHA for security.
    • Theme: Choose between 'Light' or 'Dark' theme for the reCAPTCHA box.
    • Size: Select the size for the reCAPTCHA box; options are 'Normal' or 'Compact'.

Form Settings

  • Show Label: Toggle 'Yes' to display the field labels.
  • Required Mark: Toggle 'Show' to indicate required fields with an asterisk or custom character.
  • Redirect After Login URL: Enter the URL where users should be redirected after successful login.
  • Redirect After Logout URL: Enter the URL where users should be redirected after logging out.
  • Remember Me: Toggle 'Show' to include a "Remember Me" checkbox.
  • Forget Password: Toggle 'Show' to include a "Forgot Password?" link.
  • Forget Password Text: Enter the text for the "Forgot Password?" link.
  • Forget Password Link: Provide the URL for the password reset page.

Submit Button

  • Text: Enter the text that will appear on the login button, such as "Sign In".
  • Submit Button Icon: Choose an icon to display on the submit button.
  • Column Width: Set the width of the submit button column; typically set to 100% for full width.
  • Hover Effects: Choose an effect for when the mouse hovers over the button.

Custom Messages

  • Custom Messages: Toggle 'Show' to customize messages.
  • Success: Input the message displayed after successful login.
  • Incorrect Password or Email: Input the error message for incorrect credentials.

Style Tab


  • Column Spacing: Adjust the space between columns by entering a value or using the slider.
  • Row Spacing: Set the spacing between rows similarly by specifying a value or adjusting the slider.


  • Color: Choose a color for the labels of the form fields.
  • Typography: Customize the font, size, weight, transform, style, decoration, line-height, and letter spacing of the labels.
  • Spacing: Control the margin around the labels by setting values for the top, right, bottom, and left margins.


  • Background Color: Select a background color for the form fields.
  • Border Type: Choose the type of border such as solid, dashed, dotted, etc.
  • Border Radius: Define the radius of the field corners to control how rounded they are.
  • Box Shadow: Add a shadow effect to the form fields.
  • Typography: Adjust the typography settings for the text entered into the fields.
  • Padding: Set the padding inside the fields to control the spacing around the text inside the fields.


  • Width: Set the width of the button, often set to 100%.
  • Height: Adjust the height of the button.
  • Spacing: Manage the margin around the buttons.
  • Alignment: Align the buttons left, center, or right.
  • Typography: Customize the typography of the button text.
  • Border: Set the border type, width, color, and radius for the buttons.
  • Box Shadow: Optionally add a shadow to the buttons.

Remember Me

  • Position: Choose whether the "Remember Me" checkbox appears before or after the submit button.
  • Size: Adjust the size of the checkbox.
  • Color: Select a color for the checkbox.
  • Typography: Customize the typography of the "Remember Me" text.
  • Spacing Between: Set the spacing between the checkbox and the text.

Forgot Password

  • Position: Decide the position of the "Forgot Password" link relative to the submit button.
  • Color: Choose a color for the text of the "Forgot Password" link.
  • Typography: Adjust the typography settings for the "Forgot Password" text.
  • Spacing: Control the margin around the "Forgot Password" text.
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