Register Form

The Register Form (Sign-up Form) widget simplifies the process of creating a custom registration form for your WordPress site.

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Content Tab

Form Fields

  • Email
    • Type: Set to 'Email' to ensure proper validation.
    • Map to: Link this field to the 'Email' attribute in your database.
    • Label: Enter 'Email' or a label of your choice.
    • Placeholder: Input placeholder text such as 'Enter your email'.
    • Required: Toggle on to make this field mandatory.
    • Column Width: Adjust to '100%' for full width or set as desired.

Note: The email field is essential and cannot be removed as it updates the username and email address in user fields.

  • Full Name
    • Type: Set as 'Text'.
    • Map to: Associate this field with the 'Full name' attribute.
    • Label: Label it 'Full Name'.
    • Placeholder: Add a placeholder like 'Full Name'.
    • Required: Toggle on if the field is mandatory.
    • Column Width: Typically set to '100%'. Adjust according to layout needs.

Note: The full name field will automatically split into first and last names and update the respective user fields in the database.

  • Password
    • Type: Choose 'Password' to hide input during typing.
    • Map to: Connect this to the 'Password' attribute.
    • Label: Label as 'Password'.
    • Placeholder: Use placeholder text such as 'Create a password'.
    • Required: Toggle on to ensure users don't skip this field.
    • Confirm Password?: Enable this to require users to enter their password twice for verification.
  • reCaptcha
    • Type: Select 'reCAPTCHA' to add a CAPTCHA challenge.
    • Label: Customize the label, default is 'reCaptcha'.
    • Theme: Choose between 'Light' or 'Dark' theme.
    • Size: Select 'Normal' or 'Compact' based on your design preference.
  • + Add Item: Click this button to add additional custom fields to the registration form.


  • Label: Toggle 'Show' to display labels above or next to the form fields.
  • Required Mark: Toggle 'Show' to display an asterisk or other symbol indicating required fields.
  • Add Action: Add custom actions that trigger upon form submission.

Submit Button

  • Text: Enter the text for the button, such as 'Register'.
  • Submit Button Icon: Choose an icon to display on the submit button.
  • Column Width: Set the width of the button; usually '100%' for full width.
  • Hover Effects: Select an effect for when the cursor hovers over the button.

Custom Messages

  • Enable Custom Messages: Toggle on to customize messages.
  • Success: Customize the message displayed after successful registration, e.g., 'You have been successfully registered.'
  • Emails Already Exist: Message for indicating an email already in use, e.g., 'An account is already registered with your email address.'
  • Password And Confirm Password Is Not Same: Message to show when the passwords do not match, for example, 'Your password and confirmation password do not match.'

Style Tab


  • Column Spacing: Adjust the space between columns, if applicable.
  • Row Spacing: Modify the space between rows for alignment and design preferences.


  • Color: Choose a color for your labels to enhance visibility or match your theme.
  • Typography: Customize the font, size, weight, transform, style, decoration, line-height, and letter spacing.
  • Spacing: Set the margin around the label for top, right, bottom, and left.


  • Background Color: Select a background color for the input fields.
  • Border Type: Choose from various border styles such as solid, dashed, dotted, etc.
  • Border Radius: Define the roundness of the field corners.
  • Box Shadow: Apply a shadow effect to the input fields.
  • Placeholder:
    • Color: Set the color for the placeholder text.
    • Typography: Customize the typography of the placeholder text.
  • Value (The actual text entered by the user):
    • Color: Decide the text color for user input.
    • Typography: Set the typography for the entered text.
  • Padding: Adjust the padding inside the fields to control the text's inset.


  • Icon: Choose an icon to display for the dropdown indicator.
  • Color: Set the color of the dropdown icon.
  • Size: Adjust the size to make the icon larger or smaller.
  • Vertical Offset: Shift the icon up or down.
  • Horizontal Offset: Move the icon left or right.


  • Size: Change the size of the checkbox.
  • Color: Select the color for the checkbox.
  • Typography: Customize the font properties of the label next to the checkbox.
  • Spacing Between: Adjust the space between the checkbox and its label.
  • Spacing: Configure the margin around the checkbox for top, right, bottom, and left.


  • Size: Adjust the size of the radio button.
  • Color: Choose a color for the radio button.
  • Typography: Customize the font properties of the label next to the radio button.
  • Spacing Between: Set the space between the radio button and its label.
  • Spacing: Modify the margin around the radio button.


  • Width: Control the width of the button relative to its container.
  • Height: Set the height of the button.
  • Spacing: Adjust the margin around the button for top, right, bottom, and left.
  • Alignment: Choose the alignment of the button within its container.
  • Typography: Customize the font properties of the button text.
  • Color: Select colors for the text and background of the button in different states (Normal, Hover).
  • Border:
    • Border Type: Choose the border style for the button.
    • Border Width: Define the thickness of the border.
    • Border Color: Pick a color for the border.
    • Border Radius: Set the roundness of the button corners.
    • Box Shadow: Apply a shadow effect to the button.


  • Typography: Customize the typography of the form messages.
  • Success Message Color: Select a color for the success message after registration.
  • Error Message Color: Choose a color for error messages, like invalid input or failed submission.
  • Inline Message Color: Set the color for inline messages, such as validation errors next to form fields.
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