Image Carousel
The Image Carousel widget allows you to create interesting and interactive galleries on your web pages. With this widget, you can showcase a series of images that rotate automatically or upon user interaction.
Image Carousel
- Add Images: Click the '+' button to add images to the carousel.
- Image Resolution: Select the resolution for the images, such as "Thumbnail - 150 x 150".
- Slides to Show: Choose the number of slides to display at one time.
- Slides to Scroll: Decide how many slides are scrolled per swipe or click.
- Image Stretch: Choose whether to stretch the images to fill the slide ("Yes" or "No").
- Navigation: Select the navigation aids for the carousel (e.g., "Arrows and Dots").
- Previous Arrow Icon: Choose an icon for the previous arrow.
- Next Arrow Icon: Choose an icon for the next arrow.
- Link: Set a link for when images are clicked, if desired.
- Caption: Decide if you want to display a caption, and if so, what type (None, Title, Caption, Description).
Additional Options
- Lazyload: Enable or disable lazy loading for images.
- Autoplay: Toggle autoplay for the carousel.
- Pause on Hover: Choose whether the autoplay will pause when the mouse hovers over the carousel.
- Pause on Interaction: Decide if autoplay will pause when the carousel is interacted with.
- Autoplay Speed: Set the speed of autoplay in milliseconds.
- Infinite Loop: Enable or disable the infinite looping of slides.
- Animation Speed: Adjust the speed of slide animations in milliseconds.
- Direction: Select the direction in which the carousel slides (Left or Right).
Style Tab
- Arrows:
- Position: Place the arrows inside or outside the carousel.
- Size: Adjust the size of the arrows.
- Color: Choose a color for the arrows.
- Pagination:
- Position: Set the position of the pagination to inside or outside the carousel.
- Size: Adjust the size of the pagination dots.
- Color: Select a color for the pagination dots.
- Active Color: Choose a color for the active pagination dot.
- Vertical Align: Align the images vertically within the carousel slides.
- Spacing: Adjust the spacing around images.
- Border Type: Choose the type of border for the images.
- Border Radius: Set the radius for the image borders to control corner roundness.