Media Carousel
The Media Carousel widget allows you to create a slider of videos and images.
Content Tab
- Skin: Choose the display style of the carousel (Carousel, Slideshow, Coverflow).
- Slides: Manage the media items in the carousel.
- Click the '+' button to add new items.
- Use the 'Type' dropdown to choose the media type (Image, Video, etc.).
- Set a 'Link' if you want the media to be clickable.
- Effect: Select the transition effect between slides (Slide, Fade, Cube).
- Slides Per View: Set the number of slides visible at one time.
- Slides to Scroll: Decide how many slides the carousel moves per action.
- Height: Adjust the height of the carousel.
- Width: Set the width of the carousel in percentage relative to its container.
Additional Options
- Arrows: Show or hide navigation arrows.
- Pagination: Choose the pagination style (Dots, Fraction, Progress).
- Transition Duration: Set the duration of the transition between slides.
- Autoplay: Toggle autoplay functionality.
- Autoplay Speed: Set the speed of autoplay in milliseconds.
- Infinite Loop: Enable or disable infinite looping of slides.
- Pause on Hover: Choose whether autoplay pauses when the mouse hovers over the carousel.
- Pause on Interaction: Decide if autoplay pauses when the carousel is interacted with.
- Overlay: Choose an overlay style for the slides.
- Image Resolution: Select the resolution of images in the carousel.
- Image Fit: Determine how images fit into the slide (e.g., Cover, Contain).
- Lazyload: Enable or disable lazy loading of images.
- Overflow Visible: Set whether the overflow of the carousel is visible.
Style Tab
- Space Between: Adjust the space between individual slides.
- Background Color: Set the background color for the slides.
- Border Size: Specify the size of the border around the slides.
- Border Radius: Set the radius for slide corners to create rounded edges.
- Border Color: Choose the color of the border.
- Padding: Adjust the padding inside the slides.
- Box Shadow: Apply a shadow effect to the slides.
- Arrows:
- Right Arrow: Customize the appearance of the right arrow.
- Left Arrow: Customize the appearance of the left arrow.
- Vertical Offset: Adjust the vertical position of the arrows.
- Horizontal Offset: Adjust the horizontal position of the arrows.
- Size: Set the size of the navigation arrows.
- Color: Choose a color for the arrows.
- Shadow: Add a shadow effect to the arrows.
- Pagination:
- Position: Set the position of the pagination (Inside, Outside).
- Size: Adjust the size of the pagination dots or bars.
- Gap: Set the space between pagination dots or bars.
- Color: Choose a color for the pagination elements.
- Active Color: Select a color for the active pagination element.
- Play Icon: (if applicable)
- Color: Set the color of the play icon.
- Size: Adjust the size of the play icon.
- Shadow: Apply a shadow effect to the play icon.
- Color: Set the background color of the lightbox.
- UI Color: Choose the color for the lightbox user interface elements.
- UI Hover Color: Select the hover color for the UI elements.
- Video Width: Adjust the width of videos within the lightbox.