Testimonial Carousel
The Testimonial Carousel widget allows you to create a sliding carousel of customer testimonials in various designs. You can display multiple testimonials in a dynamic format, making it easy for visitors to view and engage with positive feedback.
Content Tab
- Slides: Add or remove testimonial items. Each item can include content, an image, the name of the person, their title, and a rating.
- Skin: Choose the visual style of the testimonial carousel (Default, Bubble).
- Layout: Select how the image will be displayed relative to the content (Inline, Stacked, Above, Left, Right).
- Alignment: Align the content within the carousel slides.
- Slides Per View: Define the number of slides visible at the same time. Decimals can be used for partial views.
- Centered Slides: Enable this to center slides in the view.
- Slides to Scroll: Set the number of slides to scroll per swipe or click.
- Width: Adjust the carousel width as a percentage of its container.
Additional Options
- Arrows: Toggle the display of navigation arrows.
- Pagination: Choose the pagination style (Dots, Fraction, Progress).
- Transition Duration: Specify the duration of transitions between slides in milliseconds.
- Autoplay: Enable the carousel to cycle through slides automatically.
- Autoplay Speed: Set the speed of autoplay, in milliseconds.
- Infinite Loop: Allow the carousel to loop endlessly.
- Pause on Hover: Pause autoplay when the cursor hovers over a slide.
- Pause on Interaction: Pause autoplay when the slides are interacted with (e.g., clicked or swiped).
- Image Resolution: Select the quality of the images displayed in the carousel.
- Lazyload: Opt to load images only as they enter the viewport to improve performance.
- Rating: Adjust the appearance of the rating system (stars).
- Stars Style: Customize the style of the stars for the rating.
- Active Stars Style: Style the stars that represent the active rating.
Style Tab
- Space Between: Set the space between slides in pixels.
- Background Color: Choose a background color for the slides.
- Border Size: Define the thickness of the border around the slides.
- Border Radius: Adjust the roundness of the slide corners.
- Border Color: Select a border color for the slides.
- Box Shadow: Add a shadow effect to the slides.
- Padding: Set the padding inside each slide.
- Gap: Adjust the space between the content and the edges of the slide.
- Text Color: Change the color of the testimonial text.
- Typography: Customize the font settings for the testimonial text.
- Text Stroke: Apply a stroke effect to the text if desired.
- Text Color: Select the color for the name text.
- Typography: Customize the font settings for the name text.
- Text Color: Choose the color for the title text.
- Typography: Adjust the font settings for the title text.
- Size: Set the size of the image within the slide.
- Gap: Control the space between the image and its adjacent content.
- Border: Toggle the border around the image on or off.
- Border Radius: Adjust how rounded the corners of the image should be.
- Arrows:
- Right Arrow: Customize the appearance of the right navigation arrow.
- Left Arrow: Customize the appearance of the left navigation arrow.
- Vertical Offset: Adjust the vertical positioning of the arrows.
- Horizontal Offset: Adjust the horizontal positioning of the arrows.
- Size: Set the size of the arrows.
- Color: Choose a color for the arrows.
- Shadow: Apply a shadow effect to the arrows.
- Stars: Customize the style of the stars used for ratings.
- Active Stars: Style the stars that show the active rating.
- Size: Set the size of the stars.
- Spacing: Adjust the space between the stars.
- Margin: Control the margin around the rating area.