How to Create a Multi-Step Form in JupiterX

Multi-step forms enhance user experience by breaking down complex forms into manageable sections, guiding users through the process step-by-step. Below, we walk you through creating a multi-step form using JupiterX and Elementor.

Getting Started with Your Multi-Step Form

Before you create a multi-step form, you should plan out the various sections of your form and what fields each section will contain. Once you have a clear outline, follow these steps:

  1. Form Widget: Go to your page in Elementor where you want to add the form.
  2. Drag and Drop: From the Elementor panel, drag and drop the Form widget onto the page.
  3. Form Fields: Click on the form widget to start adding fields. By default, you'll see Name, Email, and Message fields.

Adding Step Fields to Your Form

To break your form into multiple steps, you'll be adding special 'Step' fields. Here's how to add and configure them:

  • Click on the 'Add Item' button within the 'Form Fields' section to add a new field.
  • Change the 'Type' dropdown to 'Step'.
  • Assign a 'Label' for the field. This label can act as an instruction for the form user.
  • Input the text for the 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons.
  • Optionally, choose an 'Icon' for the steps from the library or by uploading an SVG.

Customizing Steps Settings:

In the Steps Settings, you can further customize the appearance and layout:

  • Type: Decide on the indicator style for your steps – text, number, icon, progress bar, or combinations.
  • Shape: Pick a shape that will frame your step indicators. Choices include circle, square, rounded, or none for a minimalist look.

Style with Ease:

Polish the look of your form steps under the 'Style' tab:

  • Typography: Customize the font style, size, and other typography settings for the step indicators.
  • Spacing: Adjust the space between the steps indicators and form fields for a tidy look.
  • Padding: Set padding around the step indicators to make them stand out.
  • Primary Color: Select distinct colors for inactive, active, and completed steps indicators.
  • Secondary Color: Choose a background color that complements the primary color for each step state.
  • Divider Width & Gap: Define the thickness of the divider lines and the space around them to section off each step neatly.

Tips for a User-Friendly Multi-Step Form

  • Keep steps logically grouped and concise.
  • Use clear and descriptive labels for buttons and steps.
  • Validate user input at each step to ensure data accuracy.
  • Offer a summary or progress bar to show users where they are in the process.

By following these steps and suggestions, you'll be able to create a multi-step form that's not only user-friendly but also looks integrated with your site's design. If you need more details or assistance, refer to the Form Widget documentation for extra guidelines on additional form elements.

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