Customizing Labels and Values in JupiterX Form Fields

Creating forms is an important part of building your website with JupiterX. Forms allow you to collect information from your users in an organized manner. However, sometimes you need to customize the options that users can choose from. This is where custom labels and values come into play for Select, Radio, and Checkbox fields.

What are Labels and Values?

  • Labels are what your users see on the form. They are the descriptive part of the options provided.
  • Values are the data that gets passed back when a user submits a form. They are not usually visible to the user but are important for processing form data.

How to Customize Labels and Values

In JupiterX, you can easily set different labels and values using the pipe character (| ). Here's how it works:

  1. Access your form widget (Select, Radio buttons, or Checkbox) in JupiterX.
  2. When adding your options, write the label, then the pipe character, followed by the value.
  3. Example format: Label|value

For instance:

  • To create a Select field for user colors preference, you might have options like:
    • Favorite Color|favorite_color
    • Blue|blue
    • Red|red
    • Green|green

This means that when the user selects "Red", the value that gets submitted with the form is "red".

What Happens If You Don't Differentiate?

Don't worry if you choose not to specify a value separately from the label. Your form will still work correctly. The label itself will be used as the value too. However, keep in mind that for more complex form processing or when integrating with other systems, having distinct values can be very helpful.


  • Custom values can help you when analyzing form data. They keep responses standardized, especially if labels are long or complex.
  • Always ensure the pipe character is typed correctly – it's usually found above the Enter key on your keyboard.


By customizing the labels and values in your JupiterX forms, you can gather data in a way that makes your workflows more efficient and analysis of the data simpler.

Is there anything else you need to know about customizing form fields in JupiterX? Our team is here to help with any questions you may have!

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