How to Send Email Confirmations with Elementor Forms in JupiterX

Email confirmations are a crucial part of interacting with your visitors on your website. Whether you're running a business site, a portfolio, or a blog, you'll want to ensure your visitors receive timely and relevant responses. With JupiterX, configuring email confirmations via Elementor Forms is a straightforward process.

Setting Up Email Confirmations

Follow these steps to set up your email confirmation:

  1. Drag and drop a Form Widget into your Elementor section.
  2. Navigate to Content > Settings.
  3. Click on the Add Action  button and select Email .

Now, let's customize the email settings:

  • To: This is where you want the form data to be sent. By default, this will be the admin email of your WordPress site.
  • Email Subject: Type in the subject for the email.
  • Email Content: The default setting will send all form fields using the [all-fields]  shortcode. To customize, use specific field shortcodes, such as [field id="name"] . Find these shortcodes under each form field's Advanced  tab. Remember, for a more personalized email, you can mix HTML with your field shortcodes.
  • From Email: Specify the sender's email address.
  • From Name: Specify the sender's name.
  • Reply-To: Set the desired reply-to email address; often this is the same as the From Email.
  • Cc: Add any additional recipient email addresses to be copied.
  • Bcc: Use this to add email addresses for blind carbon copies.
  • Meta Data: Include extra information like the date, time, and page URL.
  • Send as: Choose between sending the email in HTML or Plain Text format.

Configuring a Confirmation Email to the Sender (Email2)

You might want to send an acknowledgment email to the individual who completed the form. Here's how:

  1. Repeat the steps above to set up another email action, termed Email2 .
  2. In the To  field, use the shortcode for the recipient's email address – typically, [field id="email"] .

Tip: Personalize the confirmation email using the submitter's name, like "Hello [field id="name"]".

Important Notice

  • Ensure to use straight quotes “"” instead of curly quotes “”” or apostrophes to avoid any jQuery or server errors.

Crafting Your Own HTML Email Template

If you wish to create a custom HTML email template, here is a sample to get you started:

<h1>Confirmation of Your Inquiry</h1>
<p>Hello [field id="first_name"],</p>
<p>Thank you for your interest! Your inquiry about the [field id="service_type"] service on [field id="desired_date"] has been successfully submitted.</p>
<p>Your message is important to us, and here's what you've shared:</p>
    "[field id="message"]"
<p>Here is the information we received:</p>
<li>Name: [field id="name"] [field id="last_name"]</li>
<li>Email: [field id="email"]</li>
<li>Phone: [field id="phone"]</li>
<p>We will review your details and get back to you shortly to discuss the next steps. If you need to add any additional information, feel free to reply to this email.</p>
<p>Warm regards,</p>
<p>The [Your Company Name] Team</p>

Adding The HTML Template To The Form

  • Copy and paste your HTML into the Email Content field, replacing the [all-fields]  shortcode.
  • Enable the 'Send as HTML' option to ensure the email retains HTML formatting.

Make sure to only use shortcodes specified in the advanced tab of the form fields. Introducing external shortcodes may cause unexpected server errors.

By following these simple steps, you can set up efficient and personalized email confirmations for your JupiterX WordPress theme. If you need further guidance or inspiration, feel free to explore the documentation for Elementor Forms and see how you can extend the capabilities of your JupiterX themed website.

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