
The Reviews widget allows you to seamlessly add customer reviews to your WordPress website or blog. With this widget, you can create a visually appealing section that showcases testimonials, ratings, and feedback from users.

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Content Tab


  • Slides: This section allows you to add, reorder, or delete individual review slides. Each item represents a single review slide.
  • Add Item: Click to add a new review slide to the list.
  • Slides Per View: Select how many slides are visible at one time in the view.
  • Slides to Scroll: Choose how many slides the carousel will scroll through with each navigation action.
  • Width: Adjust the width percentage of the review slides container relative to its parent container.

Additional Options

  • Arrows: Toggle to show navigation arrows for the review slider.
  • Pagination: Choose the style of pagination, such as dots or thumbnails, for navigating between slides.
  • Transition Duration: Set the time in milliseconds it takes to transition from one slide to the next.
  • Autoplay: Enable to automatically cycle through slides.
  • Autoplay Speed: Set the time in milliseconds before the next slide appears when autoplay is enabled.
  • Infinite Loop: Enable to allow the slider to loop continuously.
  • Pause on Hover: If enabled, autoplay will pause when the user hovers over the slider.
  • Pause on Interaction: Autoplay will pause when the user interacts with the slider (e.g., clicking an arrow).
  • Image Resolution: Select the image resolution for the review pictures.
  • Lazyload: Enable to load images as they enter the viewport, which can improve page load performance.

Style Tab


  • Space Between: Adjust the space between individual review slides.
  • Background Color: Choose a background color for the slide area.
  • Border Size: Define the thickness of the border around each slide.
  • Border Radius: Set the radius for rounded corners on the slide border.
  • Border Color: Select a color for the slide border.
  • Padding: Configure the padding inside each slide to create space around the slide content.


  • Name: Style the name text with color and typography options.
  • Title: Customize the title text color and typography.
  • Review: Adjust the review text color and typography.


  • Size: Set the size of the image within the slide.
  • Gap: Adjust the space between the image and other content.
  • Border Radius: Modify the radius for rounded corners of the image.


  • Color: Select a color for icons within the slide (e.g., social media icons).
  • Size: Adjust the size of the icons.


  • Icon: Choose the icon style for the rating, such as stars or hearts.
  • Unmarked Style: Select the style for the unmarked portion of the rating.
  • Size: Set the size of the rating icons.
  • Spacing: Adjust the space between individual rating icons.
  • Color: Choose a color for the rating icons.
  • Unmarked Color: Select a color for the unmarked portion of the rating icons.


  • Arrows: Customize the navigation arrows with options for size, color, and shadow.
  • Pagination: Style the pagination controls with size, gap, color, and active color options.
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