Understanding Discounts on Bulk Purchases for JupiterX

When it comes to acquiring multiple licenses for the JupiterX theme, we often receive inquiries from individuals and non-profit organizations looking for discounts on mass purchases. We absolutely understand the need for such discounts and would love to accommodate your needs. Here’s what you need to know about our discount policy.

Envato’s Marketplace Rules

Our theme is hosted on the Envato Marketplace, which has specific rules and guidelines that we, as authors, must follow. At present, these guidelines don't allow us to directly provide discounts to individual customers or non-profit organizations outside designated promotional periods.

Stay Informed About Promotions

While we may not be able to offer individual discounts, don’t lose hope just yet! Envato grants authors the ability to run promotions for limited times during the year. These promotions are your ticket to snagging JupiterX at a reduced rate!

Tip: To ensure you don’t miss out on any promotional announcements, subscribe to our newsletter when registering your license or when signing up on the Artbees Portal.

By doing so, you'll be among the first to know whenever a discount is on the horizon.

We understand that every bit of savings helps, especially for large projects or community-driven endeavors. While we'd love to extend special offers directly, adhering to Envato's marketplace rules ensures a fair and consistent experience for all customers. Remember, we're here to assist with any questions you may have about purchasing JupiterX, so feel free to reach out to our team at any time.

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