Frequently Asked Questions for Popups in JupiterX
Understanding Popups in JupiterX: Your Questions Answered
Q: Can I display the popup in any area of the screen? A: Yes, you can control where the popup appears on the screen by setting the horizontal position (left, center, right) and the vertical alignment (top, middle, bottom).
Q: Is it possible to include a form within a popup? A: Certainly. You can place a JupiterX form widget inside a popup. Incorporating third-party forms, however, might require additional adjustments to work within the Popup Builder.
Q: Can I add any JupiterX widget to a popup? A: Absolutely! You have the freedom to design your popup with any Elementor widget, creating a diverse and interactive experience within your popup.
Q: Sometimes, the popup margins don't seem to work as I set them. Why is that? A: In some cases, popup margins might be overridden due to Elementor's flexbox grid, which can take precedence over set margins. Try adjusting the margins in the opposite direction to achieve the desired effect.
Q: Is it possible to customize the design of the popup window itself? A: Yes. With JupiterX, you can customize the popup's background, borders, and shadow effects. You can also adjust the design of the overlay and even fully customize the close button's appearance and placement.
Q: Can popups be triggered from any place on my page? A: Yes, you have various options to manually or automatically trigger popups using different conditions, triggers, and actions built into JupiterX.
Q: Can I display popups selectively on certain devices? A: Yes, you have the control to display your popups on specific devices like Desktop, Tablet, and/or Mobile through the Advanced Rules in Publish Settings.
Q: Can I show multiple popups on the same page? A: While you can technically display multiple popups on a single page, it's best to do so judiciously to avoid overwhelming your visitors.
Q: If I have several popups for different scenarios, can I prevent more than one from showing to a user? A: Yes, there is an option in Popup Settings called "Avoid Multiple Popups" which prevents visitors from being shown too many popups at once.
Q: Can users be prevented from scrolling the screen behind the popup? A: Yes, by enabling the "Disable Page Scrolling" option in the Advanced Popup Settings, background page scrolling can be disabled.
Q: How can I control how and when the popup closes? A: JupiterX popups offer various methods to control the closing behavior – from timing the display of the close button to triggering the close through user actions or automatically after a certain period.
Q: Can I only show a popup if the user is about to leave the page? A: Yes, by setting the "On Page Exit Intent" trigger, the popup will appear when the user's mouse activity suggests they are about to close the page or tab.
Q: Is it possible for a popup to show if a user arrives from a search engine? A: Certainly, Trigger Rules enable you to specify popups to appear based on the user's entry point, like a specific URL or a search engine referral.
Q: Do I need to set Conditions and Triggers for a popup to be displayed? A: While it's not mandatory, if you choose not to set them, ensure to configure a manual trigger via a button or link on your page. Without it, the popup will remain hidden.
Q: Can a popup be activated after a form is submitted on the page? A: Yes. The "Actions" feature in the JupiterX form widget allows you to open a specific popup once the user submits the form.
Q: What if the form is inside a popup? Can it automatically close after submission? A: Yes, the form widget provides an "Actions" option where you can set the popup to close once the form is successfully submitted.
Q: What exactly is a display condition? A: Display conditions are rules set to determine where the popup should appear on your site, such as specific pages or site-wide locations.
Q: What defines a session in terms of popups? A: A session is defined as the period when a user first opens your site until the browser is closed. Popup session settings utilize this to control popup frequency.
Q: Can popups be transferred between different websites? A: Yes, like all Elementor templates, popups can be exported from one site and imported into another.
Q: Can I create a Tooltip Popup within JupiterX? A: While direct Tooltip Popups are not available, JupiterX provides a Tooltip feature for every Elementor widget under the Advanced tab.
Q: How can I manage popups on a multilingual site? A: You can create different popups tailored to each language or translate existing popups according to your site's language settings.
Q: Can popups be added to WooCommerce product pages? A: Yes, you can deploy popups throughout your WooCommerce product pages, such as for upselling products or offering discounts.
Q: Are there any compatibility issues with popups on older devices or browsers? A: Popups may encounter issues on iOS 10 or below and are not compatible with Internet Explorer 11 or older versions.