General Cache Information and Clearing Techniques

When your webpage isn't acting as it should, the culprit could be cached data. Clearing your cache can often resolve issues that seem persistent. There are four main types of cache that might affect your website's performance:

  • JupiterX Cache: Cached by the theme to improve page load speeds.
  • Browser Cache: Stored by your browser to speed up frequent webpage visits.
  • Plugin Cache: Generated by third-party WordPress caching plugins.
  • Server Cache: Imposed directly by your hosting provider from the server.

Understanding these caches and knowing how to clear them can help keep your site running smoothly. Let's delve into the specifics of each type.

JupiterX Cache

JupiterX cache can be found and cleared in JupiterX > Settings > General. Clicking on the "Regenerate Assets" will clear out cached styles, JavaScript, and image files stored in your uploads folder, allowing them to be recreated with updated settings.

How To Clear Browser Cache

Browser cache speeds up website visits but may need to be cleared to see recent changes or fix issues.

Google Chrome

  1. Click the Customize icon (three dots in the upper right corner).
  2. Go to More Tools, and click on Clear browsing data.
  3. From the dropdown, select "All time", ensure "Cached images and files" is only checked, and click Clear data.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Click the Open Menu icon (three horizontal lines in the upper right corner).
  2. Go to Options, select Privacy & Security, and scroll down to Cookies and Site Data.
  3. Click Clear Data, ensure "Cached Web Content" is selected, and confirm the prompt.

Apple Safari

  1. Click Safari in the top menu bar and select Preferences.
  2. In the Advanced tab, enable the "Show Develop menu in menu bar".
  3. From the Develop menu, choose Empty Caches.

How To Clear Plugin Cache

For Third-party caching plugins also need to be cleared to resolve issues when you update theme and plugins.

W3 Total Cache (W3TC)

  1. Find the Performance option on the WordPress admin bar.
  2. Hover over it and click Dashboard, then press the empty all caches button.

WP Super Cache

  1. Go to Settings > WP Super Cache in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Click the Delete Cache button in the Delete Cached Pages section.

WP Rocket

  1. Look for the WP Rocket option on the WordPress admin bar.
  2. Click on it, then select Clear cache.

Note: If you're using a different plugin, please refer to its documentation on how to clear cache.

Server Cache

Several hosting providers may use server caching, which sometimes require clearing:

Clearing these caches is important not just for troubleshooting but also to ensure that any changes you make to your site are visible to you and your visitors. Remember, after clearing cache, it's often a good idea to refresh your page or restart your browser to ensure all cached data has been cleared effectively.

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