Social Icons

The Social Icons widget allows you to add icon links to all your social media profiles. With this widget, you have complete control over the appearance of your social icons.

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Content Tab

Social Icons
  • Social Icons: This section lists the social media platforms you have added. By default, you have Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. You can remove an icon by clicking the 'X' or add a new one by clicking '+ Add Item'.

    For each social icon, you can configure the following:

    • Icon: Shows the selected social media platform's logo.
    • Link: Enter the URL of your social media profile.
    • Color: Choose between 'Official Color', which is the default color of the social media brand, or a 'Custom' color of your choice.
  • Shape: Select the shape of the social icons; 'Rounded' is an example.
  • Columns: Choose 'Auto' for automatic adjustment or set a specific number of columns.
  • Alignment: Choose the alignment of the icons within the widget (left, center, or right).

Style Tab

  • Color: Set the color of the icons, with the option for 'Official Color' or a custom color.
  • Size: Adjust the size of the icons in pixels.
  • Padding: Set the padding around the icons.
  • Spacing: Adjust the space between the icons, with '5' pixels as an example.
  • Rows Gap: Set the gap between rows of icons if applicable.
  • Border Type: Choose a border style for the icons, such as 'Default'.
  • Border Radius: Adjust the border radius of the icons to control corner roundness.
Icon Hover
  • Hover Animation: Choose an animation effect for when the cursor hovers over the icons, like 'Grow', 'Shrink', 'Pulse', etc. The 'None' option means no animation will occur on hover.
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