
The Heading widget is a fundamental element for creating stylish and impactful title headings within your WordPress sites. With this widget, you can customize various aspects of your headings.

Content Tab


  • Title: Enter the text for your heading in the provided field.
  • Link: If you want your heading to be clickable and redirect to another page or resource, input the URL in the provided field. Click the Link Options icon (resembles a cogwheel) to configure the link options such as opening the link in a new window/tab or adding a nofollow relationship.


    • HTML Tag: Select the appropriate HTML tag for your heading from the dropdown menu. Options range from H1 to H6 , div , span and p , depending on the importance and hierarchy of the heading within your page content.
    • Ornaments: Toggle the switch to 'Show' if you wish to add decorative elements to your heading.


You can also add personalization tags to this element using shortcodes. To add personalized keywords to your heading text, copy the respective shortcode and paste it where you desire.

A complete list of shortcodes is available at the bottom of this page.

Keywords Name Keywords Shortcode
Coupon Code
Coupon Expiry Date
Coupon Value
Customer Email
Customer First Name
Customer Full Name
Customer Last Name
Customer Phone
Customer Provided Note
Customer User Id
Order Billing Address
Order Billing Country
Order Date
Order Item Count
Order Number
Order Payment Method
Order Shipping Address
Order Shipping Method
Order Status
Order Total

Style Tab


  • Color Type: Choose between a single color or a gradient for your heading text.
  • Typography: Click on the pencil icon to open typography options where you can set the font family, size, weight, transform, style, decoration, line-height, and letter spacing.
  • Alignment: Select the alignment of the heading text: left, center, right, or justified.

Animated Gradient

  • Animated Gradient: Toggle this to 'Yes' to enable a moving gradient effect on the heading.
  • Color: Add colors to your gradient by clicking on the color squares. You can add or remove colors using the '+' and 'x' buttons respectively.
  • Direction: Choose the direction of the gradient animation from the dropdown menu, such as left, right, top, or bottom.
  • Animation Duration: Adjust the slider to set the speed of the gradient animation.
  • Ornaments
    • Ornament Style: Select a style for the ornaments from the dropdown menu.
    • Thickness: Use the slider to adjust the thickness of the ornament lines.
    • Color: Choose a color for your ornaments by clicking on the color picker.
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