
The Hotspot Widget focuses on creating interactive images that highlight relevant information, boost engagement, and increase conversions on your website.

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Content Tab


  • Choose Image: Click here to select or upload the image you want to use as a base for your hotspots.
  • Image Resolution: Select the resolution for the image; choices typically range from thumbnail to full size.
  • Alignment: Set the alignment of the image within its container; options include left, center, and right alignment.


  • Hotspot: This section lists all the hotspots you've added. Click on an item to expand and edit it, or click the "Add Item" button to create a new hotspot.
    • Content:
      • Label: Enter the text that will appear in the hotspot.
      • Link: Add a URL to make the hotspot clickable.
      • Icon: Choose an icon for your hotspot or toggle it off to have a text-only hotspot.
      • Custom Hotspot Size: Toggle this to enable custom sizing for this specific hotspot.
      • Tooltip Content: Enter the text that will be displayed in the tooltip. You can use the text editor for formatting and adding media.
    • Position
      • Horizontal Orientation: Adjust the horizontal position of the hotspot on the image.
      • Vertical Orientation: Adjust the vertical position of the hotspot on the image.
      • Offset: A the horizontal or vertical position of the hotspot in %.
      • Custom Tooltip Position – Provides additional options for display for only the current hotspot
        • Position: Choose between Left, Top, Right, or Bottom.
        • Width: Adjust the width of the box in PX or %.
  • Animation: Select an animation for the hotspot, like Expand, which can visually indicate the hotspot location.
  • Sequenced Animation: Toggle this to enable animations to play in sequence rather than all at once.
  • Sequence Duration (ms): If sequenced animation is on, this determines the duration between the animations.


  • Position: Choose where the tooltip appears relative to the hotspot (e.g., top, bottom, left, right).
  • Trigger: Select what will cause the tooltip to display (e.g., hover, click).
  • Animation: Choose the animation effect for the tooltip (e.g., fade, grow, slide).
  • Duration (ms): Set the time for the animation effect to complete.

Style Tab


  • Width: Set the width of the image as a percentage of its container element.
  • Max Width: Define the maximum width of the image as a percentage to ensure it does not exceed a certain size.
  • Height: Specify the height of the image in pixels.
  • Opacity: Adjust the transparency of the image, with 1 being fully opaque and 0 being fully transparent.
  • CSS Filters: Apply CSS filters to the image for effects like blur or brightness.
  • Border Type: Choose the type of border around the image; options may include none, solid, double, dotted, dashed, etc.
  • Border Radius: Set the radius for the corners of the image border to create rounded corners.
  • Box Shadow: Apply a shadow effect to the image to help it stand out from the background.


  • Color: Select the color of the hotspot markers.
  • Size: Define the size of the hotspot markers in pixels.
  • Typography: Customize the font properties of text within the hotspot markers.
  • Min Width: Set a minimum width for the hotspot area.
  • Min Height: Set a minimum height for the hotspot area.
  • Box Color: Choose a background color for the hotspot marker.
  • Padding: Set the padding around the hotspot marker content.
  • Border Radius: Adjust the roundness of the hotspot marker corners.
  • Box Shadow: Add a shadow to the hotspot markers for a 3D effect.


  • Text Color: Change the color of the text within the tooltip.
  • Typography: Customize the typography of the tooltip text.
  • Alignment: Align the text within the tooltip to the left, center, or right.
  • Box
    • Width: Adjust the width of the tooltip box.
    • Padding: Set the space inside the tooltip box around the text.
  • Color: Choose a color for the tooltip background.
  • Border Radius: Define the roundness of the tooltip corners.
  • Box Shadow: Apply a shadow to make the tooltip stand out.
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