Basic Gallery
The Image Gallery widget allows you to easily add and style complex and beautiful image galleries on your web page.
Content Tab
Image Gallery
- Image Gallery: Click on the plus icon to select and add images to your gallery.
- Image Resolution: Choose the resolution for the gallery images from the dropdown menu, such as "Thumbnail - 150 x 150".
- Columns: Set the number of columns for the image gallery.
- Link: Decide what happens when an image is clicked. Options include linking to the media file, attachment page, or no link.
- Lightbox: Toggle whether to use the default lightbox setting or disable it.
- Order By: Determine the order in which images appear in the gallery.
Style Tab
- Spacing: Choose the default or set a custom value for spacing between images.
- Border Type: Select the type of border for the images, such as solid, dotted, dashed, etc.
- Border Radius: Set the border radius for the images to control corner roundness.
- Box Shadow: Add a shadow effect to the images.
- Display: Choose whether to show or hide image captions.
- Alignment: Align captions to the left, center, or right.
- Text Color: Select a color for the caption text.
- Typography: Customize the font settings for the captions.
- Text Shadow: Add a shadow effect to the caption text.