Circle Progress

This versatile widget allows you to display progress indicators in a visually appealing way.

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Content Tab

  • Type: Choose between 'Percent' or 'Custom' to define how the progress is displayed.
  • Completed Progress: Input the numerical value representing the completed progress.
  • Number Prefix: Add a prefix to the progress number if needed (e.g., "+", "$").
  • Number Suffix: Add a suffix to the progress number (commonly "%").
  • Animation Duration: Set the duration of the progress animation in milliseconds.
Additional Options
  • Title: Enter a title for the circle progress element.
  • Subtitle: Provide a subtitle, which could be additional information or a category.
  • Progress Number Position: Select where the progress number will be displayed, such as 'Inside of Circle' or 'Outside of Circle'.
  • Title & Subtitle Position: Choose the position for the title and subtitle relative to the circle. Options may include 'Outside of Circle', 'Inside of Circle', and others.

Style Tab

Progress Circle
  • Circle Size: Adjust the overall size of the circle.
  • Progress Circle Thickness: Set the thickness of the circle that indicates progress.
  • Progress Indicator Thickness: Adjust the thickness of the progress indicator.
  • Progress Endings: Choose the style of the progress indicator endings, such as 'Rounded' or 'Flat'.
  • Circle Background Color: Select a color for the circle's background.
  • Progress Circle Color: Choose a color for the progress circle itself.
  • Progress Indicator Color: Pick a color for the indicator that shows the progress.
  • Circle Box Shadow: Add a shadow effect to the circle if desired.
Content Style
  • Numbers
    • Color: Select the color for the progress numbers.
    • Typography: Customize the typography for the progress numbers.
    • Padding: Adjust the padding around the progress numbers.
  • Prefix
    • Font Size: Set the font size for the prefix.
    • Gap (px): Adjust the gap between the prefix and the progress numbers.
    • Alignment: Align the prefix to the left, center, or right.
  • Suffix
    • Font Size: Set the font size for the suffix.
    • Gap (px): Adjust the gap between the suffix and the progress numbers.
    • Alignment: Align the suffix to the left, center, or right.
  • Title
    • Color: Choose the color for the title text.
    • Typography: Customize the typography settings for the title.
    • Padding: Set the padding around the title.
  • Subtitle
    • Color: Select the color for the subtitle text.
    • Typography: Customize the typography settings for the subtitle.
    • Padding: Adjust the padding around the subtitle.
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