Site Title

When designing your website with the JupiterX theme, it's important to display your site's identity prominently. One of the fundamental components to achieve this is the Site Title. The JupiterX Site Title widget is a dynamic, easy-to-use tool that pulls your website's title directly from the WordPress General Settings, ensuring consistency and ease of management.

Content Tab


  • Title: The area where the site title is displayed. It typically pulls the name of your site from the WordPress settings.
  • Link: You can make the site title a clickable link by pasting a URL or typing a destination.
  • HTML Tag: Choose the appropriate HTML tag for your site title for SEO purposes and semantic structure. Common tags include H1, H2, H3, etc.
  • Alignment: Set the alignment of the site title. Options are usually left, center, or right align.

Style Tab


  • Text Color: Select the color that you want the site title to have.
  • Typography: Click on the pencil icon to customize the font settings of the site title. This will allow you to change the font family, size, weight, transform, style, decoration, line-height, and letter spacing.
  • Text Stroke: Click the icon to add an outline effect to the site title text and adjust its width and color.
  • Text Shadow: Click the icon to add a shadow to the site title text. Here, you can customize the shadow's color, blur, and position.
  • Blend Mode: Choose how the site title blends with the background. Options include Normal, Multiply, Screen, Overlay, etc.

Keep in mind: The Site Title widget is dynamic! Any changes you make to the site title in WordPress General Settings will automatically reflect wherever you've used the widget. No need to update each instance manually.

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