Text Marquee
A text marquee can add movement and excitement to your website, capturing the attention of visitors with dynamic text displays.
Content tab
- Items: Add the text items that will be displayed in the marquee. You can add multiple items by clicking on the "+ Add Item" button.
- Direction: Choose the direction in which the marquee text will scroll. Options include "Right" or "Left".
- Space Between: Adjust the space between each item in the marquee.
- Animation Speed: Set the speed of the animation. A lower number makes the marquee move faster.
Style Tab
- Typography: Customize the font, size, weight, transform, style, decoration, line-height, and letter-spacing.
- Outline Text: Toggle to show an outline around the text.
- Stroke Width: If the outline text is enabled, this adjusts the width of the stroke.
- Stroke Color: Choose the color of the text stroke.
- Background Type: Select a background type for the text, such as classic or gradient.
- Padding: Set the padding around the text within the marquee.
- Border Type: Choose a border type for the text box if desired.
- Border Radius: Adjust the radius of the corners of the text box border.
- Box Shadow: Apply a shadow to the text box.
Animated Gradient
- Animated Gradient: Enable or disable an animated gradient background for the marquee text.
- Color: Add colors to the gradient. You can add multiple colors by clicking on the "+ Add Item" button.
- Direction: Select the direction of the animated gradient (Left, Right, Up, Down).
- Animation Duration: Adjust the duration of the gradient animation cycle.
Gradient Overlays
- Left Gradient Overlay: Toggle to display a gradient overlay on the left end of the marquee.
- Gradient Color: Choose the color of the left gradient overlay.
- Gradient Size: Adjust the size of the left gradient overlay.
- Right Gradient Overlay: Toggle to display a gradient overlay on the right end of the marquee.
- Gradient Color: Choose the color of the right gradient overlay.
- Gradient Size: Adjust the size of the right gradient overlay.