How to Assign an ID or Class to an Elementor Widget in JupiterX

Customizing your website often requires you to apply unique styles or scripts to specific elements. In JupiterX, this often involves adding custom IDs or classes to your elements. These identifiers are essential when you want to tailor the design of your Elementor widget or need to create a one-page scroll menu.

Here's a step-by-step guide to assigning an ID or a class to your Elementor widgets:

Step 1: Select Your Element

  • Open the Elementor editor by editing the page where the element is located.
  • Click on the specific Elementor widget you wish to customize. This will bring up the element's settings in a dashboard on the left.

Step 2: Access the Advanced Options

  • In the Elementor settings dashboard, navigate to the 'Advanced' tab.
  • Scroll down to the 'Advanced' section within this tab.

Step 3: Assign the ID and/or Class

  • Locate the 'CSS ID' field if you want to assign an ID. An ID must be unique to the page and is preceded by a hash (#) when used in CSS.
  • Use the 'CSS Classes' field if you want to assign a class, which can be applied to multiple elements and is denoted by a dot (.) in CSS.
  • Enter your chosen ID or class names. Remember not to include the hash (#) or dot (.) in these fields.

Quick Note: When assigning a class name, make sure to use a space to separate multiple classes.

Step 4: Update and Save

  • After adding your ID or class, ensure that you click the 'Update' button to save the changes to your page.

Adding Custom CSS or JavaScript

To further customize your element, you might want to add custom CSS or JavaScript. You can achieve this with JupiterX's custom snippets feature. Adding snippets allows you to precisely control the appearance and behavior of your elements with your own code.

Helpful Resource: Learn more about adding custom CSS or JavaScript by reading our detailed article on using the JupiterX custom snippets feature.

By following these straightforward steps, you can easily assign an ID or a class to your Elementor widgets in JupiterX, paving the way for more advanced and tailored design solutions. Remember to always check your work by previewing the changes on the frontend of your website to ensure everything looks and functions exactly as you desire.

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