A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Elementor Containers in JupiterX

Elementor's Flexbox Containers are a powerful tool provided in JupiterX for building complex, responsive layouts with great ease. Flexbox containers function as "boxes" that contain and align numerous page elements such as widgets, buttons, images, etc., facilitating the creation of professional-looking web designs.

Layout Tab Essentials

At the heart of a Flexbox Container's functionality is the Layout tab, which encompasses several settings critical to the structure and behavior of the container. Below, we provide an in-depth look at each aspect of the layout tab:

Content Width 

This option allows you to define whether your content should fill the width of the container or be constrained to a boxed width.

  • Boxed: Confining the content's width allows for precision layout control without affecting the container's width.
  • Full Width: Your content stretches to the edge of the container—ideal for full-width banners or sections. Note: Responsive settings enable content width adjustments for different device views.

Width Adjust the actual width of your container or the content inside, based on whether the Content Width is set to Boxed or Full Width.

  • Boxed: Alters the content's width within the container.
  • Full Width: Changes the container's width, which can be matched to the viewport's width.

Min Height 

Defining a container's minimum height ensures that your content is adequately displayed, especially useful for hero sections or when content needs to stand out. Note: This can be set to 100VH for full viewport height, ideal for impactful sections.

Overflow The overflow setting lets you manage content that may exceed the container bounds—whether it should scroll, be hidden, or adapt automatically, maintaining a clean user interface.

  • Default: Allows content to overflow.
  • Hidden: Conceals overflow content.
  • Auto: Introduces scrolling to accommodate excess content.


Choosing the right HTML tag for your container can influence SEO since elements higher in the DOM hierarchy are given more weight. Options like div, section, or article tags cater to different content needs.

Items & Alignment 

Here's how you manage grouped elements within a container:


Dictate whether elements are positioned horizontally (row) or vertically (column). This simple setting significantly impacts layout flow and directionality.

Align Items 

This property aligns the items within a container and is dependent on the set direction. Alignment options include:

  • Flex Start: Aligns items to the start of the container.
  • Center: Centers items.
  • Flex End: Aligns items to the end.
  • Stretch: Stretches items to fit the container dimensions.

Justify Content 

Justify content controls the spacing and alignment along the main axis of a container, distributing leftover space among elements:

  • Flex Start
  • Center
  • Flex End
  • Space Between
  • Space Around
  • Space Evenly

Content Gap 

The gap setting introduces spacing between elements, functioning similarly to margin but positioned outside of the element's border. This, combined with the wrap property, allows for multiple lines of items within the same container.


Enabling wrap permits elements to flow onto multiple lines within a container instead of being restricted to a single line.

Align Content 

Align content, akin to Justify content, works in tandem with the wrap setting, distributing overflow items on the container's cross axis.

Managing Individual Element Properties

Elementor allows fine-tuning of individual elements within a container:

  • Align Self: Overrides container alignment for an individual item.
  • Order: Changes the sequential arrangement of elements.
  • Size: Controls how an element grows or shrinks relative to other elements when the container size changes.

Adjusting Individual Elements

To edit properties for an individual element:

  1. Click on the element within the container.
  2. Go to the Advanced tab.
  3. Modify the desired properties accordingly.


Flexbox Containers in Elementor provide JupiterX users with a robust framework for laying out web pages. This guide has drilled down into the nuances of container settings, offering insights into how you can leverage containers to build complex, responsive, and visually cohesive websites with ease.

As Elementor continues to evolve, so does the sophistication with which designers can manipulate web elements. Embrace the power of Grid Containers in JupiterX and take your web design to new, flexible, and creative heights.

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